International Balkan Agriculture Congress (IBAC), coordinated by the Trakya Universities Union , will be held in Çanakkale between 16-19 October 2024, hosted by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. The congress offers an important opportunity to share current research on innovative approaches to agriculture, food, water resources and meet international researchers in these fields. It is possible to attend the congress online or onsite.
There will also be a “GEOGRAPHICALLY INDICATED PRODUCTS EXHIBITION AND WORKSHOP” and a “7th CANAKKALE AGRICULTURE FAIR” within the scope of the congress. In the second century of the Republic of Turkey, we invite you to participate in this meaningful event IBAC-2024.
With these events and congress, concrete outcomes such as providing exchange of knowledge amongst experts, transferring of existing information to individuals and organizations involved in the sector, determining policies that will solve the problems of agricultural products and creating new national and international research programmes in line with the determined targets, and direct contribution to the economy by using these results in different sectors are expected to be achieved.
Kind Regards,
Congress Organization Committee
Dear participants, During our congress, domestic and international tours will be organized within the scope of social activities. For this reason, we would like to remind our participants to have their passports with them. There is also the opportunity for students to obtain a service passport from their own university. Domestic and international tour details can be accessed from the relevant links.
Değerli Katılımcılar, Kongremiz süresince sosyal aktiviteler kapsamında yurt içi ve yurt dışı turlar düzenlenecektir. Bu nedenle katılımcılarımızın pasaportlarını yanlarında bulundurmalarını hatırlatmak isteriz. Öğrenciler için kendi üniversitelerinden hizmet pasaportu alma imkânı da bulunmaktadır. Yurt içi ve yurt dışı tur detaylarına ilgili linklerden ulaşılabilir.